Prevention Weekly delivers the best ergonomics, workplace athlete health, and safety leadership news right to your inbox every week.
Featured Article
Cognitive Ergonomics 101: Definition, Applications, and Disciplines
Cognitive ergonomics is the domain of ergonomics focused on making products simple, clear, and easy to use. Read on to learn more about the definition, applications, and principles of cognitive ergonomics.
Cognitive Ergonomics 101: Definition, Applications, and Disciplines
Realistic, Cost-Effective Ergonomics for Real People
Using a simpler approach to ergonomics and stressing design that fits actual workers can reduce costs and result in a safer, more productive workplace.
Realistic, Cost-Effective Ergonomics for Real People
Workforce Demographics Are Changing
Workforce demographics are changing. Are you ready? 10,000 people are turning 65 every single day and this will continue through 2030!
Workforce Demographics Are Changing
Workplace Athlete Health
Total Worker Health For the Win
TWH builds upon a foundation of protecting workers from work-related exposures and hazards by championing a holistic understanding of the myriad of factors that influence safety, health, and well-being. An integrated approach recognizes that risk factors in the workplace can contribute to many health problems previously considered unrelated to work.
Total Worker Health — What’s Work Got to Do With It?
Struggling With Wellness in Manufacturing?
As healthcare costs grow faster than incomes, your benefits program has to do more than motivate 10,000 steps per day. One out of every two people is walking around with a largely preventable chronic health condition, bloating 80% or more of U.S. healthcare spending.
Struggling With Wellness in Manufacturing?
Safety Leadership
Visualizing Excellence in Safety
“Strategy is a framework of choices, tradeoffs and small bets an organization makes to determine how to capture and deliver value and win. Driven first by hypothesis, then validated by data, there are two sides to this framework: injury/incident prevention and culture. A comprehensive strategic framework will include the following elements in a flow-down model, as outlined in the figure below.”
Visualizing a Comprehensive Safety Excellence Strategic Framework