Prevention Weekly is a newsletter from Ergonomics Plus highlighting the week’s best information and resources we found on ergonomics and injury prevention.
Featured Articles
1. You Only Sustain What You Care About: 3 Keys to a Sustainable Safety Culture
“A vibrant and sustainable safety culture is one that resonates and connects with the values and vision of both employees and the organization.”
2. The Ergonomically Correct Workcenter
“Research indicates that changing position periodically or standing for regular intervals throughout the day can reduce fatigue and improve alertness and productivity. Follow these simple guidelines to help prevent problems from occurring while sitting or standing at your workstation.”
3. On-Site Athletic Trainers: The Perfect Addition to Your OHS Team
“Leading companies around the world are instituting Industrial Athletic Training programs into the workplace to promote smarter and safer work performance. They are treating their employees like professional athletes and providing them with on-site Athletic Trainers to keep them “on the field” performing their best.”
4. Making Ergonomic Accommodations for the Pregnant Worker
“When it comes to ergonomics, pregnant women require more attention than the average worker to account for conditions caused or exacerbated by pregnancy.”
5. A Guide to MSD Prevention Roles and Responsibilities
“A business process is only as effective as the people behind it. That is why it’s so important everyone in your organization, managers and employees alike, know what the blueprint for MSD prevention looks like and what is expected of them.”