In the market for an ergonomics consultant?
You have lots of choices and not very much time. Selecting the right one can be tricky.
With that in mind, we’ve put together fifteen quick tips for selecting an ergonomics consultant to get you started on the right check.
Let’s get started.
1. Select a consultant with expertise
When you hire an outside consultant, you have a lot riding on their ability to perform the job. Make sure you hire a consultant with the expertise to get the job done right and the first time. Check their credentials and make sure they’re actively involved in their field.
2. Make sure they have the right experience
One of the reasons you’re hiring an outside consultant is because you need to shorten your learning curve and get results faster than you could have by doing the job internally. In short, you’re hiring a consultant for both their expertise and their experience.
Make sure you partner with a consultancy with the experience and battle-tested know how. Often, these battle hardened consultants will have proprietary systems, processes and methodologies that can be customized to fit your facility that will make your life easier and get the job done faster.
3. Be aware of their approach to injury prevention and human performance
Consultants often have a different skillset and approach. Make sure you understand the different types of ergonomics consultants and make an informed decision on what would be best for your situation.
4. Look at their clients and case studies
The truest measure of performance is the success of a consultant’s clients. When you’re researching your options, look for a library of case studies, testimonials and other client information. If this information is missing from their website or not available upon request, that should raise a giant red flag in your mind.
5. Study their bottom-line results
Many consultancies will study the results they’ve been able to achieve for their clients and make those available on their website or per your request. Find out what is possible for you based on their previous results.
6. Make sure they have cost-reduction data
Similar to the previous point, make sure you’re able to make a clear business case for the ergonomics consultant’s services. Many consultancies will have cost-reduction data available for you.
7. Make sure you’re comfortable
Before you sign on the dotted line to make your new partnership official, arrange a few phone calls and meetings to make sure you’re comfortable. You’re entrusting another person with responsibilities to you and your company. Your reputation is on the line. Make sure you have a good “gut feeling” about it before you make it official.
8. Are they committed to the industry?
Is your consultant committed to the industry and actively involved in the ergonomics, injury prevention and wellness community? Do they regularly publish information, helpful resources and contribute to the conversation? A consultant with a true passion for helping other people and companies will be demonstrating their thought leadership and adding value to the conversation even if they aren’t being compensated for it. Passion fuels success and you want to partner with a consultant and firm that is truly committed.
9. Beware a bargain
“Caveat emptor” they say, buyer beware. If your 1965 Shelby Mustang GT350 is having engine trouble, do you take it to the pricey Shelby Mustang specialist who has spent half his life under the hood of the car, or do you take it to the quickie oil change place with the kid who’s always wanted to fix a Mustang? That’s right – you go to the specialist because it’s worth every penny.
The benefits of a well-run, efficient ergonomics improvement process will far outweigh the costs. Get the job done and get it done right. It’s worth it.
10. Know your options – research different vendors
There are lots of ergonomics consultants out there. That means you shouldn’t limit your research to one consultant or firm. Do some digging and find the right consultant for you.
11. Conduct an interview
Most ergonomics consultants will offer a free consultation or assessment. Take them up on it! This is your chance to get a feel for what your relationship will be like. Take the opportunity to interview them and get to know more about their experience and see how they approach your situation.
12. Set up a plan for evaluation
A good consultant will set up a plan for continuous improvement and evaluation of their work. If they don’t, make sure you’re up front about how they will be evaluated. You deserve to get results and have them reported back to you. A good consultant will thrive with this challenge.
13. Hire a professional – not a hobbyist
When you’re looking for a partner, it’s best to select someone who is doing this full time as opposed to a part-time hobbyist. Find someone who eats, sleeps and breathes injury prevention and human performance.
14. Make sure they can effectively communicate
Good communication between business partners is critical. Make sure the consultant communicates early, often and when in doubt. They should default to over communication to make sure you are satisfied with their services and you know the plan for continuous improvement.
15. Find a true partner
The best consultants are true partners. They will treat your business as if it were their own. At the end of the day, this is best for them and it’s best for you – the sign of a true partnership.
Selecting an Ergonomics Consultant – Stay tuned for more!
This is the third post in our series on selecting an ergonomics consultant. Next week we’ll be offering you a five-step checklist to give you additional guidance on making your selection.
Stay tuned … sign up for the E+ newsletter to stay up to speed and make sure you don’t miss out on any new posts in the series.